Varese, Hands-On Course, Advanced, English 01-03 December 2016

Attingo dissection course 


In the past years skull base approaches have undergone significant advances. Indeed, it is now possible to say that the nose and paranasal sinuses have changed from just a potential site of various diseases to a natural surgical corridor toward hidden and deeper anatomical structures. Furthermore, the ability to resect and reconstruct skull base defects has dramatically improved, thus making endoscopic techniques a valuable tool for skull base surgeons. Given the ever expanding surgical possibilities, a continuous improvement of anatomical knowledge is mandatory. However, to think that the apex has already been reached would be erroneous. For this reason, we have designed a course specifically dedicated to advanced skull base anatomy, including anterior and lateral skull base anatomy. The “traditional” lateral approaches to the skull base will be integrated with recent advancements in endoscopic skull base anatomy (transcribriform, transsphenoidal and transclival windows). Our goal is to produce a holistic vision of the different surgical windows to the skull base. Anatomical lectures, intensive anatomical dissection under strict supervision, and clinical cases discussion represent the key points of this advanced yet practical course. A movie-guided dissection perfectly represents our didactic philosophy based on a “step-by-step” approach. The face-to-face relationship between the faculty and participants makes this course an important starting point for all specialists who want to explore the fascinating field of skull base surgery. The new anatomic training centre offers an ideal site for this experience. While the task may be challenging, it is extremely exciting. We hope that participants will help us to reach our goal. 


The course is limited to 20 YOUNG participants UNDER 35 YEARS-OLD.
SIB Junior members will have the priority of registration to the course.

For SIB registration: 

If places will be avaible after 30th September 2016, international junior residents of fellows (under 35 years-old) will be allowed to register to the course.

Subscribtions to the course must be sent to:

Course Fee: 

- 300 € ONLY FOR SIB JUNIOR MEMBERS (under 35 years-old, before 2016 September 30th). 

An official ID and proof of SIB registration must accompany the registration to the course and must be sent by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


- 600 € FULL INTERNATIONAL participants (under 35 years-old, after 2016 September 30th, if places still available).

Registration fee includes:

  • tuition
  • lunches
  • coffee-breaks
  • certificate of attendance


Payment Modalities

Bank Transfer in EURO to:

ATTINGO Scientific Association
Reference: Family name and first name of the participant -
Dissection Varese Skull Base SIB 2016.

Banca Prossima, 05000 - Milano
IBAN : IT60Y0335901600100000012357

A confirmation will be sent after the receipt of the application form and bank transfer.


Programme at a glance:

2016 December 01st 

07:00 Registration
07:30 Introduction-Format & Learning Objectives

08:00 Transnasal approach to sella & parasella

        - Sistematic anatomy and enscopic perspectives
        - How to get oriented
        - Tips & tricks

09:00 Step-by-step dissection

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Transnasal approach to anterior cranial fossa 

        - Sistematic anatomy and endoscopic perspectives
        - How to get oriented
        - Tips & Tricks

15:00 Step-by-step dissection

18:00 Today in summary

2016 December 02nd

08:00 Transnasal approach to posterior cranial fossa & CVJ

        - Sistematic anatomy and enscopic perspectives
        - How to get oriented
        - Tips & tricks

09:00 Step-by-step dissection

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Transnasal approach to ITF and UPS 

        - Sistematic anatomy and endoscopic perspectives
        - How to get oriented
        - Tips & Tricks

15:00 Step-by-step dissection

18:00 Today in summary


2016 December 3rd

08:00 Translabyrinthine Approach

        - Surgical anatomy 
        - Techniques, indications & results

09:00 Step-by-step dissection

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Transcochlear Approach 

        - Step-by-step dissection

18:00 Today in summary


Changes in the program may take place


Hotels close to the University


Ungheria Hotel: 

Yes Hotel: 

For additional information kindly contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

See also the Varese Turismo website


2016-12-01 07:00:00
2016-12-03 19:00:00