Hands-On Course, Advanced, English 27 September - 1 October 2022

Attingo dissection course 





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The course will be held in English and will be aimed at graduated surgeons (Neurosurgeons, Otolaryngologists, MaxillofacialSurgeons, Ophthalmologists) who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of skull base surgery. Endonasal endoscopic approaches to the skull base have evolved significantly over 20 years, magnifying the surgical image and allowing the minimally invasive treatment of various pathologies. More recently, video surgery has evolved with exoscopic techniques, capable of magnifying the three-dimensional image of the surgical field in the open surgical accesses, replacing the microscope. The organization of the course includes two sessions, the first focused on exoscopy with transcranial and transorbital approaches, the second with transnasal and transorbital endoscopic approaches. The purpose of this innovative course is to provide learners with a solid anatomical and clinical basis to deal with the treatment of skull base pathologies through transcranial surgical approaches carried out in 3D exoscopy. This innovative method combines the qualities of traditional microscopic vision with a wider visualization of the surgical field, keeping a ll t he d etails i n f ocus t ogether with improved ergonomics. The second part of the course is aimed at advanced endonasal and transorbital endoscopic techniques to the skull base, in a concept of multiportal surgical approaches. These techniques concern surgical accesses for tumor resection and the consequent repair and reconstruction of defects. Complication control surgical techniques are also shown. Thanks to this didactic approach, the close collaboration between the various specialties involved in the treatment of skull base pathologies takes on the connotation of real team work. The training of couples of surgeons of different specialties is therefore promoted in order to achieve a surgical synergy. The course will also address in detail the diagnostic investigations and the technological tools necessary to deal with this type of pathology. It is a highly innovative course as it will allow the learner to develop practical surgical skills through exercises on anatomical preparations. In this way the learner will be able to concretely reproduce the surgical steps on the speciments that will be proposed both with video and performed directly by the teachers in the master station. Each session will be preceded by two anatomical and surgical techniques lessons, for a total of 5.5 hours, followed by 39 hours of guided anatomical dissection in exoscopy and endoscopy, including extensive discussion with the participants. At the end of the course, there is a written exam to evaluate the learning by the attendees.



The course is limited to 20 participants.

Registration must be submitted online through www.studioprogress.it filling in the form linked to the program. The registration will be confirmed after the payment. Cancellation received within the registration deadline (30 days before the beginning of the course): 75% refund. Cancellation received beyond the registration deadline: no refund. Payment by bank transfer in the name of StudioProgress IBAN: IT36O 02008 11200 000005235699 SWIFT: UNCRITM1090, specifying clearly the name of the partecipant and the course. CME CREDITS (only for Italian Medical Doctors) Each Session gives CME credits only to Italian Medical Doctors (Otorhinonolaryngology, Neurosurgery, Maxillofacial surgery).

Registration fee includes:

  • tuition
  • teaching material
  • lunches
  • coffee-breaks
  • certificates

Registrations and Fees

FULL SESSION: 2.500,00€ vat 22% included

FIRST SESSION: 1.250,00€ vat 22% included

SECOND SESSION: 1.600,00€ vat 22% included

10% discount for ESBS, SIB, IAR, ERS, SICMF members. One free observer for each Society.


2022-09-27 07:00:00
2022-10-01 19:00:00